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Virtual Pitch Feedback Session | HTGF | Online

What: Virtual Pitch Feedback Session | High-Tech Gründerfonds

When: December 17, 2024 | 10.30 am - 12 pm

Where: Online

Who: Female founders or females interested in business

Info: This is your golden opportunity to receive insightful feedback from top VC professionals and take your business to the next level! More women as founders mean more diversity in the business world, leading to better outcomes and more innovative solutions. However, female founders are still underrepresented. We want to change that and support more women on their path to building successful companies.

Apply now and get concrete feedback on your pitch and business idea from:

  • Dr. Alex von Frankenberg, Managing Director at HTGF | High-Tech Gründerfonds, who has been leading High-Tech Gründerfonds since 2005 and has extensive experience in the venture capital/start-up scene.
  • Dr. Laura Pedroza, Investment Manager at HTGF, with a strong background in life sciences and a PhD in protein biochemistry.
